Ten Ways To Test if Your Spouse is Selfish (Quiz)
Selfish spousal actions can hurt marriage. Dealing with a self-centered partner is tough. Signs like disregarding your needs or putting themselves first signal unhealthy self-focus. Meanwhile, identifying where selfishness shows up can address problems. Setting clear expectations of balance and compromise may help. This quiz builds self-awareness around actions to aid the relationship. Testing selfish tendencies can nurture better communication and greater harmony.

Ten Ways To Test if Your Spouse is Selfish (Quiz)
1. Does your spouse often make decisions without consulting you?
2. Does your spouse acknowledge and validate your feelings?
3. Does your spouse show interest in your day or in things you care about?
4. Does your spouse compromise when you have disagreements?
5. Does your spouse take responsibility for their mistakes?
6. Does your spouse take more than they give in the relationship?
7. Does your spouse support you when you're going through a tough time?
8. Does your spouse demand a lot of your time without giving the same in return?
9. Does your spouse dismiss your needs or wants?
10. Does your spouse make you feel guilty or blame you for their unhappiness?