Separation Anxiety Test: 100% Accurate & Honest Results
Separation anxiety is common, with about 8% of adults experiencing it sometimes. We’ve all likely felt anxious when separated from comforting people or places. This test helps honestly assess if you suffer problematic separation anxiety. It asks about detaching from loved ones and your emotional response. Thoughtfully taking this test provides insight into your anxiety. Learning about this issue can help you get support to manage it.

Seperation Anxiety Test: Quiz
1. Do you constantly worry about being alone or without a specific person?
2. Do you experience physical symptoms (like headaches, stomachaches) when separated from a certain person?
3. Do you have nightmares about being separated from someone?
4. Do you avoid activities or places where you'll be alone or separated from a particular person?
5. Do you fear something bad will happen to the person you're attached to when they're away?
6. Do you excessively check in or need reassurance from a specific person when they're not with you?
7. Does the thought of being away from a certain person make you feel extremely anxious or panicked?
8. Do you find it hard to concentrate or function properly when you're away from a specific person?
9. Do you experience significant distress or fear when anticipating or experiencing separation from a specific person?
10. Have your feelings of separation anxiety persisted for six months or more?