Should I Leave My Wife Quiz? 100% Honest Suggestion
Questions about leaving or staying torment many married couples. I believe questioning commitment during challenges is quite common as relationships change. Understanding problems, communicating openly, and seeking counseling if needed are the first steps. This quiz will analyze your relationship and provide an honest assessment on leaving or rebuilding trust. Completing it offers much-needed clarity in this tough process.

Should I Leave My Wife? Quiz
1. How frequently do you think about leaving your wife?
2. Are you satisfied with your communication level?
3. How often do you feel emotionally supported by your wife?
4. How often does your wife make you feel disrespected or unimportant?
5. Do you have the same goals and values in life?
6. Do you still feel attracted to your wife?
7. How frequently are you attracted to other people (emotionally or physically)?
8. Do you feel your needs (emotional, physical, intellectual) are met in your marriage?
9. How often do you fight, and how do these fights usually end?
10. Are you able to see a future with your wife?