
Does He Really Love Me Quiz

Questioning devotion is an unfortunate yet common struggle. We’ve all wondered if words match actions around love. This quiz asks about availability, intimacy issues, and lack of effort that can make us doubtful. Open communication, boundaries, and listening to intuition can provide clarity. Before more anxiety strains things, take this quiz. Self-awareness and wisdom can guide empowered choices to prioritize happiness. After all, you deserve to feel cherished.


Does He Really Love Me? Quiz

1. How often does he tell you or show you he loves you?
2. How often does he show affection towards you (e.g. hugging, holding hands, kissing)?
3. Does he treat you in a special way?
4. How supportive is your partner of your goals and aspirations?
5. How often does he initiate physical intimacy?
6. Does he make an effort to spend quality time with you?
7. Does he share things with you?
8. How often does he apologize when he makes a mistake?
9. How much does your partner show interest in your life and the things that matter to you?
10. Is he keeping the romance alive?


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